Kim Caputo is an author, worship leader, speaker, and Christian content creator from New Jersey. Kim is passionate about helping women dive deeper with Christ so they can walk in the freedom and calling God has for them. Her desire is to open conversations on real life struggles that are not typically spoken about in the Church so that women feel less alone.
Her faith journey started during a breakup phone call where she heard the voice of God and received a vision of Jesus running through a field coming to save her. In an instant, she left her old life behind to step into the new life Christ prepared for her. Kim started sharing her story on social media in hopes that it would encourage someone else and began building a faithful community of women from all across the world. Kim continues to post daily biblical wisdom and advice along with her series “Holy & Hormonal” where she sheds light on the struggles women face in their faith due to the ups and downs of their cycles.
Kim is active in her local Church on Staten Island, New York where she serves as a worship leader. Her greatest desire is to fulfill the Lord’s commandment to love God and love people. She believes that every woman has a God-given purpose and strives to help them find healing from their past so they can walk freely in Jesus name.